I came across the below worldview chart recently and found it incredibly helpful in thinking through not only how others view the world but how a gospel-centered lens views the…
For all of us who feel ill-equipped to engage with non-believers, here’s a reason not to feel that way: Put your trust in what God can do through you not…
If the sports program we’re operating feels disconnected from the church, the church body is missing out and perhaps the mission needs a revamp…
If you still believe discipleship is a weekly church program just for professionals, you might believe one of the 6 Red Flags in Discipleship below.
When you see lost people, do you have compassion? Do you see them as harassed and helpless? Do you see them as aimlessly wandering, like sheep without shepherd? I’ll admit…
When can you see countries from all over the globe coming together for something that isn’t war related? A couple things come to my mind. One is something that just…
In Sports Ministry there are countless opportunities for us to make decisions concerning our “flock”. As the “pastor” of this sports ministry, I am leading the people that God has…
This is an outreach ministry so I want to offer quality classes with rock’n teachers and music so women who aren’t Christians will come and not be scared off by…
Who is the highest paid athlete ever? It’s not Tiger Woods. I’ll save you some time and just tell you that you’re not going to get it. The answer is:…
It is generally true of new technologies that they do not just add something to life, but that they also replace something that is already there…
I recently read where 11% of the U.S. population plays one or more fantasy sports per year. Additionally, 22% of males between the ages of 18-49 play fantasy sports. Looks…
Evangelism is To bear witness to Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit, so that [1] people may come to put their trust in God, through Christ;…
What’s the culture of your ministry? Can leaders/coaches articulate the gospel? Do people deeply care about conversions? Is their a culture of prayer for the lost? Are leaders excited about…
In 2006, 41% of 6 to 17 year olds participated in sports. This number is up from 34% in 1998. Sports was the most popular extracurricular activity…
I recently came across this article talking about the growing popularity of Lacrosse. Below are some stats from the article…
If you read this blog very much you’ve noticed that I link a lot to Tim Keller. It seems like every time I come across something from him, it always…