Similarly to a volleyball coming off the net, launching a new initiative can be unpredictable as a sports ministry heads into uncharted waters.
During a recent coaches training meeting, the following question was presented: “What does a coach who is NOT trying to display the character of God look like?” Here is a…
One of the beefs about Christianity is its claim of exclusivity. This exclusivity is branded as intolerant, narrow-minded, and arrogant.
The announcer espouses this league as one of the “most competitive sports leagues in America…the coach yelling this to 8 and 9 year olds – “There should be no reason…
The gospel completely reorients the use of a leader’s position and power!
I read the book because I’ve heard many people say it’s one of the best “ministry” books they have ever read. Given the age and the target audience of the…
Compartmentalization has been a struggle for Christians for quite a long time!
A high school wrestler’s amazing gesture after a loss in the state championship match brought tears to the eyes of many spectators, and it’s not hard to see why.
I don’t know if you are like me but sometimes it feels like the corruption just keeps coming – relentlessly. One of the results – brokenness in sports is everywhere.…
Could it be that often we (consciously or subconsciously) think of evangelism as a job for the pros, the people who work for the church?…
As a coach, when I watch athletic events, I find myself spending more time watching the coach and his or her interaction with the people around, than I do watching…
As we evaluated 2012, we all agreed, “2012 was the best year for CSO in our experience!” 2013 proved even better….
Great opportunities however are many times accompanied by great obstacles, and it is no different for the sports minister…
Many church based sports ministries consist largely of children between the ages of 5 – 13. This is the prime time for a person to make a decision to trust…
The ultimate question is always why – more than what, how, or who. How would you answer this question for coaches?
Vulnerability invites vulnerability. Like I said above about asking good questions, it helps to get deep with a person when discussing the gospel…