When I read this old post about “The Gathering” and how it was such an encouraging time for everyone, it only got me more excited for this year’s REACHgathering on April 19-21 in Memphis, TN.
I’m “just the intern,” why should I be excited about this conference that may be way over my head? Correct question is, “Why shouldn’t I be excited about this conference?!”
There will be 15 different presentations (or “tracks”), and each one of those having at least two sessions where they discuss the topic at a deeper level.
Tracks range from evangelistic-disciplemaking and youth as well as adult sports outreach, to leadership and being Gospel centered. Plus way more, of course!
What’s more wild is that there are sessions on having a fitness ministry as well as a martial arts one! Of course, each one is led by a fantastic speaker who’s engaging so… Why not??
This is an opportunity to grow, learn, and “be inspired, affirmed, connected, and equipped” as the promo video says. Personally, I am constantly on the lookout for these types of chances that I can take to become a better person and hopefully, ultimately strengthen my walk with the Lord.
Sports Ministry is not unique in how it is necessary for someone to be called to it, before they should jump into it. No matter what field you look at, generally the happier people at some occupation are happier because they are working for their passion.
I for one, am waiting eagerly for this year’s Gathering because I know how much there is for me to potentially connect with, and the potential to feel called.
So, pray about joining us! And I’ll see you there!