I recently read Don’t Waste Your Sports by C.J. Mahaney. It’s a great little booklet which we’ve mentioned here before. It really is a great resource and is applicable to both coaches and athletes (as well as parents).
Here are some quotes from the book:
“What I didn’t perceive then was my own passion to be admired. Swimming was merely my stage, my opportunity to impress others with my athleticism. Each event was a platform for drawing attention to myself. And it was no different in the other sports I played (and I liked better): baseball, basketball, football. Now, as I reflect on those years, I see more clearly what was in my heart as a young man. I can see how proud I was.”
“Sports are a gift from God. But as soon as you introduce the human heart, things get complicated.”
“If it’s possible to use sports for God’s glory, then there is also a way to misuse sports for our own glory. And this is exactly what the sinful heart–mine and yours included–is often all too eager to do.”
“Here’s the difference knowing God makes: when I encounter the eternal, almighty, infinite, and merciful God, something changes in my heart. My attention turns away from myself and toward this glorious God. I walk onto the field much less likely to brag, jokey for attention, or try to win others’ admiration. Every play, every inning, every race becomes an opportunity to draw attention to God.”
“To bring glory to God as athletes, we play sports in a way that draws attention to God’s greatness instead of our own.”