I’ve been blogging for over three years now on this site and there are several things I’ve learned along the way regarding web traffic.
First, people love memes. Second, the sports ministry world is diverse but still a very small population. Third, the most popular posts on our sites have to do with the intersection of sports and Christianity (think Sports & Theology). And lastly, no one reads posts about evangelism/outreach.
So, why do people NOT want to read about evangelism?
There are several reasons but I think the main reason is because we feel guilty. There are two topics within Christianity that are sure to cause instant guilt: prayer and evangelism. You rarely will meet a person who will say they are praying and evangelizing too much and need to cut back. Understandably, people don’t like to feel bad about themselves. Not reading posts about evangelism is protection from pain.
We’ve found over the years that Christian’s guilt regarding evangelism stems from some false beliefs. Here’s what we found the average Christian believes regarding outreach:
It’s my responsibility to save people.
Outreach happens in a moment.
True evangelists are ones who lead people to Christ.
This is not true. I hope and pray the below truths will be freeing to you. I pray that God will do a mighty work in your heart and reveal to you how you could join Him in His mission.
Jesus is the Lord of the Harvest, not me
Outreach is a process, not an event
Every role is important, not just the reaper