I came across these great quotes from the book Gospel Coach: Shepherding Leaders to Glorify God. These quotes communicate the heart of our ministry.
- EVERY CHURCH LEADER NEEDS A COACH. And every church leader needs to be coaching other leaders.
- Coaching, in its original intent, refers to the process of transporting an individual from one place to another.
- Where do ministry leaders in the local church find their own pastoral care? Most church leaders have no idea where to turn to find help.
- Many church leaders and pastors feel lonely, abandoned, and vulnerable, deeply desiring relationships where they can be real and honest with another person, but they are also fearful of safely sharing their heart’s deepest concerns with members of their particular church body — even other leaders — so they frequently suffer in silence.
- A leader doesn’t learn to lead by attending a class or reading a book on leadership. A leader learns to lead best when he or she begins to lead others and is coached along the journey by a mentor.
- What leaders need is someone to shepherd their souls so that they, in turn, can lead others to the chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ. Coaching for church leaders looks less like corporate consulting and more like biblical shepherding.
If you’re a sports minister at a local church, please ask yourself these questions: Do I have a coach or merely a supervisor? Am I satisfied with how I’m being shepherded? Do I have someone to share my struggles and concerns with who understands the nature of my work? Do I know other sports ministers who are like-minded and I can learn from? Am I being challenged to be a better sports minister?
I’m convinced that ‘No’ would be the answer to all of these questions for the average sports minister.
If you felt stirred as you read the above quotes and questions, I would ask you to consider the CSO Network. The purpose of the CSO Network is to address many of the above felt needs for sports ministers. As you can see from the graphic on the right, the CSO Network provides three things that every sports minister needs: 1) A coach, 2) Teammates & 3) Equipment.
Everyone wants to feel apart of something bigger than themselves. The CSO Network allows you to connect with the broader gospel-centered sports ministry movement around the country. If you’re looking for coaching and community, the CSO Network is for you. Click here for more information.