It has been quite a journey.
In 2009, we launched the CSO Network along with a new website to better serve those churches involved with CSO. Before that launch, we had about 5000 people a year visit the CSO website.
Former CSO employee, Tim Briggs, headed up those website efforts. He said again and again, “Content drives traffic,” reminding us that if we want to generate more traffic, we needed to generate more content.
Taking his advice, we focused much of our effort on writing 3-5 new posts per week for the CSO Blog. Today, we have 1194 published posts for that blog and average 60,000 visitors a year to the CSO website from over 160 countries.
This post is our last one for the CSO blog.
This doesn’t mean there will no longer be any content coming to you regularly about sports, rec, and fitness ministry in local churches. We will still be writing on that ministry as well as local churches, ministry leadership, broken and redeemed sports, evangelism and the development of people.
Starting this week, this content will come from a different source – the CEDE Partners Blog.
As a ministry, we are continuing a 20-year history of working with churches and chaplains, now under the name of CEDE Sports. (Cede means to surrender or yield and reflects our heart to yield to Christ and to those church leaders and chaplains in their efforts to build the kingdom of God through sports.) CEDE Partners is the name for the initiative of CEDE Sports that works to mobilize local churches through sports, what we formerly called CSO or Church Sports Outreach.
We are excited about the change and will let you know more of the benefits that are coming to you with the change. For now, regarding the blog, if you are signed up and receiving this by email, you don’t have to do anything to continue to receive this blog. It will keep coming to you. If you are used to getting the content by going to the CSO website, we would ask you to bookmark this page – the CEDE Partners Blog – and go there for future content.
Thanks again for your part of the journey. It has been quite a ride and one we think is only going to get better.