All of the below games could be played with kids of any level but would particularly be good for kids 6 or under. Enjoy!
1. Pirate Treasure (Link); Skills Developed: Dribbling, defense
Create a grid about 30X30. Set up about 10 tall cones (the treasure) along one side of the grid. On the opposite side have each player (the pirates) start with a ball. 2-3 players will start inside the grid with an alternate color jersey on. They are defending the treasure (tall cones) along the side of the grid.
- On the coaches command, the pirates attempt to dribble past the defenders in attempt to take the treasure.
- To take the treasure, the players must knock down the cone with the ball.
- Once they have knocked down the cone they must pick up the cone and take it back to their starting point while dribbling the ball.
- If the pirates lose the ball to the defenders, they must start back over at the original starting point.
2. Snake in the Grass (Link); Skills Developed: Movement, spacing, dribbling
Create a small grid approximately 15X15 yards. All of the players should be inside the grid. The coach should designate two players to be the “snakes” by lying on their stomachs. Each of the players begin with one of their hands on the snakes in the grass.
When the coach yells “SNAKE IN THE GRASS” the non-snake players attempt to avoid the snakes as the snakes attempt to slither around on their stomach and touch a non-snake player. As a player is touched, that player too becomes a snake. The activity continues until everyone is a snake.
3. Red Light/Green Light; Skills Developed: Dribbling
This well known children’s game makes a great drill. All players start on one side of the
field with a ball. Coach yells “Green Light” and turns her back to the players. Yell “Red Light” and then turn back around. All players should have moved forward and now be standing still with one foot on the ball. Any player still moving or without his or her ball gets sent back to the starting line.
4. Traffic; Skills Developed: Dribbling, spacing, vision
Create a square playing area roughly 10 ft by 10 ft. Divide the players into two groups. Set
one group up on the north side of the square and the other team on the east side. Each player has a ball. On the start all players must cross the square, make the turn when they get to the other side and come back. Make it a race to see which team can be the first to get its players across and back 3 times.
5. Pass to Score; Skills Developed: Passing, spacing, vision
Divide the players into 2 equal teams and establish a playing area roughly half the size of
the field. Have the players spread out all over the playing area. Toss the ball in to start. The goal is to gain control of the ball and make 3 passes in a row between teammates. If the defense intercepts then that team tries to make 3 passes in a row. After a score of 3 successful passes, the coach restarts with a throw in. Play for a certain amount of time or until 10 points are scored.