Guest post by Courtney Schnee
My family and I live in an apartment community with a dense population of Indians. At the beginning of our time here I had been preoccupied with the end of my pregnancy and caring for a newborn so much that I could only sit and watch them walk by wearing their traditional Indian clothing and pushing their strollers of dark haired babies as the school bus made it’s daily stop. I would dream of reaching out to them with hopes of them becoming Christians.
Now that things have settled down and the weather is warmer, we are outside more and around our neighbors. I have met so many Indian mothers and their young children I cannot keep track. They have taught me so much about their culture and their values. Did you know that India is comprised of hundreds of little “subcultures” each with a different language, dress, gods and even cooking styles?
Everything I have learned in sports outreach, training in relational outreach and God’s commands in the Bible continually whisper softly into my ear as I am conversing with my new friends, “invite them in my home, initiate more, get their numbers, share my faith”. And I agree with the whispers, I do know that I am here for a reason and have met these women and their families in order to bring them one step closer to Christ.
But when I think about the actual task of doing this I am overwhelmed with a sense of defeat and it paralyzes me. I end up not doing anything. I take a number but never call. I ask names, but never remember them. I say, “Let’s get together and cook and the kids can play”, but nothing ever happens. And why not?
I can think of several reasons. Not enough Prayer. Satan. Underestimating God’s power. My sin and disobedience. etc. These things will always be stumbling blocks. But the promise that God gives me continually points back to Himself. He does the work, I am just a tool He uses in bringing someone to Himself. God will never fail. His grace will always accomplish its work.
Wow, what a freeing relief, God is in charge and will make it happen if He wills! I do have a part, and I am responsible to be obedient in what He asks me to do, but I am not alone.