I once read a book by Bill Hull and he said something like this, “If the church does not make disciples then the leadership is in sin.” This shocked me. After my first 18 months as a solo pastor my honest evaluation was that I had put out a number of fires, preached and taught faithfully, but purposeful discipleship of others was almost nil. If it was happening, it was not planned or expected.
“It is possible to pastor a church, even have a wonderful Sunday morning worship experience; engage the community in deeds of mercy; have a Nickelodeon type children’s ministry with live music and puppets; and still not be creating intentional paths for people “to hear the call of Jesus, respond to that call by repenting, believing his good news and following him in all that entails”¹
Why write this to an audience of Sports Ministers? It is a call to honestly evaluate your ministry. Are you neglecting the call of the great commission to make disciples? Are you discipling/developing your staff, interns, leadership team and your coaches?
If you aim at nothing you will hit it every time and if you aim at the wrong thing and hit it – what good is that?
If you have large numbers in your leagues and ministry, that’s great! But if that only means you have a lot of numbers and are so busy doing administration to make all of it happen then you might be aiming at the wrong thing and hitting it!
Cede Partners comes along side sports ministries and ministers to mentor not only by helping with best practices and resources, but to apply the gospel to you and your ministry. You need someone who will lovingly ask hard questions and help you to truly engage your calling. Check out our website.
¹S. Smallman, The Walk pg. 26