I have a doctorate in anger – not earned but an honorary one (or as one of my friends says “a dishonorary one”).
I told the story of my journey to the awarding of this honor in the Adult Sunday School class I co-teach with Palmer Trice at Church at Charlotte. I concluded my story with the question “What is anger?” and a play off of Jeff Foxworthy’s “You might be a redneck…” by stating:
“You might have a problem with anger if…”
i) You have ever honked your horn abusively at someone and then shown them they were number 1 in your life as you passed by or ever expressed road rage or gone off on a waitress or waiter for getting your order wrong – in other words – your responses are disproportionate to the situation
v) You have ever expressed your anger physically – like throwing a putter, or banging a steering wheel or slamming a door or punching a wall or ….
vi) You seethe for long periods at someone and plan how to get back at them
vii) You never get angry – think it is wrong or evil to feel angry
viii) If you always give in to what others say to do
If you think you might have a problem with anger, don’t despair. You too can get a doctorate in anger.