Guest Post by Brian Jones
Impact, is a common word among churches these days. Does your ministry have “impact,” do you have
“impact?” As basketball season fast approaches I am always reminded of John Wooden. It would be hard to argue the fact that no one other than maybe James Neismith has had a larger impact on the game of basketball. He has influenced thousands maybe millions with his words and actions on and off the court. But have you ever heard of Joshua Wooden? Joshua was John’s father– a hard working Indiana farmer. On the farm, Wooden formed a close relationship with his father. John Wooden carefully followed the principles of hard work and kindness that he saw in his father each day. He always admired his father.
“My father had a profound influence on my life,” Wooden wrote in the autobiography. “Both my philosophy of life and coaching came largely from him… I always had great respect for him because I knew he would always be fair with me and had my best interests at heart.”
John Wooden impacted millions where as Joshua Wooden impacted just one that we know of. Which Wooden has had greater impact, Joshua or John? Don’t stop trying to be the best you can be from day to day. Oftentimes we don’t know where our realm of influence begins and ends! It may begin with your son or one child then reach millions!