I really appreciated this blog entry from J.D. Payne on why he puts a link to a gospel presentation on his blog. It’s well worth a read. It’s something that we at CSO will think about for our website. Below is an excerpt:
While the vast majority of those who visit this site are followers of Jesus, it came to my attention that some who visit do not have a relationship with Him. So, a few months ago, I decided to make a change to the site.
You may have noticed that in the right side-bar, there is a button titled, “The Good News for You.” It is simply a link to a clear biblical presentation of the hope, blessing, and salvation from sin that is found in Jesus.
I originally thought that the design for the site did not need such a link. “After all,” I surmised, “only a small number of believers will be interested in my writings.” Now, recognizing that some of my dear readers have not come to experience the good news the Lord freely offers, I wished I would have included such a link when Missiologically Thinking was first launched.