As I met with a Sports Minister in the Charlotte area recently, I was struck by the story he told and the picture it conveyed.
This Sports Minister got involved with Ed (not his real name) 5 years ago through an outreach softball league they both participated in. Over the years, the Sports Minister intentionally reached out to Ed in an effort to build a relationship with him. He had some success and yet didn’t see much progress spiritually in Ed. He wondered if he was having any impact but kept pursuing Ed.
This past spring – after now 5 years – Ed came to the Sports Minister with a real crisis in his marriage. Over the next couple of weeks, the Sports Minister met with Ed and his wife Sue (not her real name). Both couples even met together, during which the gospel was shared as the only foundation upon which to heal and build their marriage from here.
Both Ed and Sue trusted Christ. The Sports Minister baptized them both this summer.
Recently, Sue called and said, “I want you to know what an impact you have had on our family.” She told the Sports Minister that their six-year old daughter recently drew a picture of a cross with a man on it and the title below – Jesus is my Hero. The mom made it clear this would have never happened six months ago.
Ed called from work right after his wife to talk about their neighbor, a single mom who worked full-time and had an eighteen month old son. She struggled financially. Ed and Sue helped but wondered if the church could help in some way.
The Sports Minister moved on the need. He called the softball team and told them of the situation. He called the church’s mercy ministry and told them also. Both are moving to help.
Ed told the woman, “You need to come to our church this Sunday.” She said she would.
Do you see the picture that is unfolding? First, there was 5 years of investment with little apparent impact. Then things began to happen:
– Marital crisis
– Request for help
– Help extended, especially the help of a relationship with Jesus Christ
– New life in Christ for both the husband and wife
– Marriage saved
– Children raised with godly values
– Ministry multiplied to another in need.
Lives transformed, God glorified.
This is a picture that I want to keep in mind – whenever I think about evangelism and sports ministry. Hope you will too – especially the next time you wonder if your efforts are having any impact.