Lying in sports can get you ejected from a game or suspended or…banned? It’s happened before, and I don’t even have to provide names for all the athletes who chose that route.
Who chose their success and pride and saving their face, over the truth. (Just take a look at these 50 lies in sports!)
Found this post amongst the great pile of blog posts on our website. It struck quite the cord. It comes from this much longer post about being a dream maker or breaker.
“In church last Sunday we were singing a song that kept repeating the line, “Nothing is impossible with you God” and it really got me thinking. Do I truly believe that? I started applying it to my life and really questioning if I lived it. There is so much truth to it yet a lot of the times we hesitate to trust it.”
The story that the author starts with hits so close to home for me. Singing songs in church and not meaning them, is just like lying, to me. I hold music up high compared to other interests and arts, so naturally lyrics are incredibly important to me. I like connecting to a song, or just a line!
The problem is that Worship songs are so called because that is what they are. However, if you sing them without meaning what you’re singing, what’s the point of attempting? Maybe in hopes that you’ll mean the words some day?
So? The point is that Christ calls us to Truth. Himself, and then to being truthful in all that we do and say. In Prov. 12:22, it says God hates lying lips. If something is hated by God, isn’t that serious? Shouldn’t that be heeded?
Whether we’re talking about sports or music, the two universal languages, lying is not what we want to be doing.
When we’ve been lied to, it hurts. When we lie, our conscientious won’t let us calm down, for good reason. We’ve sinned and must run back to the Cross. That’s where the power comes from, and that’s where the Change comes from.