I came across an interview on the Gospel Coalition recently and it articulated something I’ve been thinking about:
What is the role of the pastor in the evangelism of the church?
The speed of the leader is the speed of the team. The pastor must be a model of evangelism in his own life. If everyone in the congregation shared his or her faith as often as you do, how many people would hear the gospel? Modeling is crucial.
If you’re a leader of a sports ministry, are you modeling the life that you are calling your coaches and volunteers to? Here are some questions you can diagnostically ask yourself:
- Are you regularly praying for lost people?
- Are you spending time with lost people?
- Are you intentionally building relationships hoping to share the gospel or just merely building relationships (there’s a difference)?
- Are you mentoring people within your ministry?
- Are you being mentored?
- How much of your ministry is about ministry and how much of it is just about sports?