Tim Gombis has a great post on Trinitarian Relational Dynamics & Social Media Friendships. Below are some excerpts:
In her book, Alone Together, Sherry Turkle discusses the changes to friendships brought about by social media.
She argues that internet social networks offer the hope of intimate friendship along with control over the dynamics of that friendship. That is, we can simultaneously hold friends close and keep them at bay.
I was thinking the other day about this dynamic in terms of Trinitarian-oriented friendships. Theologians speak of the relationships between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in perichoretic terms. That is, the Father is always welcoming and enfolding the Son and the Spirit, providing divine hospitality. And the Father is always going out and entering the Son and the Spirit in order to know and delight in them.
Human relationships are meant to imitate intra-Trinitarian relational dynamics so that to some extent flourishing friendships are those characterized by entering and welcoming, increasing authenticity, and mutual delight.