Out of a desire for you to understand more of what we do we decided to invite the people on the field to tell you themselves. In these blogs you will hear from the hands and feet of our ministry as they tell you how their story intersects with CEDE Sports.
Meet Jenny Young..
Q: How did you get involved with CEDE Sports?
A: I discovered CEDE Sports early on when it was CSO Sports which propelled me in learning about sports outreach ministry. I did this by taking leadership classes and being involved in internships within the church. Being able to both learn within the church context and the classroom, helped prepare me for my future in sports ministry. CEDE was exactly what I was looking for! I am so grateful for their unwavering leadership, mentorship and discipleship. My involvement started back in 2005 in Charlotte, NC where it then led me currently to Brownsburg, Indiana at Connection Pointe Christian Church with the sports and fitness ministry. I graduated through the leadership center of CEDE Sports in 2007 with two other ladies who are some of my best friends to this day.
Q: What has been the impact of your involvement with CEDE Sports?
A: Cede Sports = Family. It is about relationships within the church and with you. Their desire to see you mentored, equipped and challenged as a person outweighs any program. CEDE helped form my understanding of relational outreach along with being a Gospel-Centered ministry. The relationships with other sports outreach ministry leaders and understanding of how to connect with each other is invaluable.
Q: Why would you recommend someone in sports, rec & fitness ministry get involved with CEDE?
A: Without the leadership, mentorship, and friendship of CEDE Sports, I would not be the person I am today. They have taught me about sports, life and Truth. Keeping the Gospel at the center of my life and ministry. Those go hand in hand. CEDE Sports is a family and families take care of each other. You are not on your own with CEDE Sports and the experience I have gained both personally and professionally is beyond measure.