Author: Bob Schindler
I found this blog on competition and thought it was a great companion piece to a blog we have previously posted entitled ‘Was There Competition in the Garden?’ Below are some excerpts that sparked my thinking:
It isn’t just sports that stoke my desire to win. In addition to the entertainment industry called professional sports, competition is something that impacts us every day of our lives. Competition is also an underlying motivator in education, and is the principle driver of our economic system. Even our politics are often more about competition than what is truly best for all.
Regardless of the difficulties, spiritual health demands that I push back on the sin of avarice. I need to constantly check my motives, and ask myself often: Am I too emotionally involved in sports? Does my academic achievement reflect my love for Christ, or my love for recognition? Is my business big enough to support my family? And, perhaps even… Is my church big enough to glorify God as we are?