I listened to a podcast from UCCF:ChristianUnions which is a campus ministry based in the U.K. The host of the podcast, Clive Parnell, discussed the concept of Connect 4: Relational, Conversational, Invitational, and Proclamational in evangelism. He talked about the importance of all four of these practices in daily life.
What I found interesting about these four practices is that they form a nice progression. As we know, in our culture, we often have to “earn the right” to share the truths of the Gospel with someone. I believe these four practices form a good framework to work through when sharing Christ with someone.
Be Relational–Be friendly and get to know people outside of your Christian “bubble.”
Be Conversational–Take an interest in people. Ask good questions. Share life with them.
Be Invitational–Share truth with them and invite them to share their opinions. Invite people to church if appropriate.
Be Proclamational–When the time comes, don’t be afraid to proclaim the Gospel. By this time in the process, you should have been able to get to know a person and sharing something this personal and sensitive shouldn’t be awkward or offensive.
If you would like to listen to this podcast, you can do so by clicking here. Clive begins to discuss the Connect 4 practices at about the 8 minute mark.
[Image courtesy of ktylerconk]