Yesterday, we partnered with CSRM and led a webinar discussing social media and sports ministry. The webinar was geared towards beginner-level users of social media but I think anyone would benefit from watching it. The video is below:
Download the slides from the webinar (PDF, PowerPoint, or Keynote)
Outline of Webinar:
05:04-06:11–What is social media?
06:12-11:01–Types of social media
11:02-13:04–Why use social media? Because it’s a tool
13:05-24:26–How to use social media?
1) To communicate information/news; 2) Help people connect/belong; 3) For transformation
24:27-34:19–Twitter best practices
34:20-40:17–Facebook best practices
40:18-51:27-More social media best practices
51:28-55:55-Q & A
Other Helpful Links
We’ve compiled a list of sports ministers on Twitter. If you’re not on the list, let me know and I’ll add you
FREE Social Media Handbook for Your Sports Ministry
How to Develop a Social Media Strategy for Your Ministry
A Social Media Strategy for Your Ministry
Do You Make These 8 Mistakes With Twitter?