Via Ed Stetzer and LifeWay:
Also, praying more frequently for the status of people who are not professing Christians is the best indicator of more spiritual maturity in the entire sharing Christ factor. If you are going to be intentional about sharing your faith, praying for others is a great way to start.
- 3 out of 4 churchgoers say they feel comfortable in their ability to effectively communicate the gospel
- 12% say they don’t feel comfortable telling others about their faith.
- 25% of churchgoers say they have shared their faith once or twice; 14% have shared three or more times over the last six months.
- Nearly half (48%) of church attendees have not invited an unchurched person to attend a church service or some other program at their church in the past six months
- 33% of people say they’ve personally invited someone one or two times, and 19% say they’ve done so on three or more occasions in the last six months.
- 21% of churchgoers say that outside of church worship services they pray every day for people they know who are not professing Christians; 26% say they pray a few times a week; 20% say they rarely or never pray for the spiritual status of others.