Millenials, or Generation Y, are comprised of people who were born between 1980 and 1999. Here is some interesting research pertaining to this generation and their sports interests:
Yet another reason to being using social media in your ministry:
‘Social networking’ is having a major impact on sports participation patterns in the U.S. – particularly for those aged 12 to 30 (‘Generation Y’). According to the Sporting Goods Manufacturers
Association’s (SGMA) Sports & Fitness Participation Topline Report (2011 edition), the approach of ‘Generation Y’ toward athletic activity and exercise is changing because of the influences of Twitter, Texting, Facebook, and YouTube.
Here’s some more helpful info.:
In all areas of exercise, those who are ‘Generation Y’ (born between 1980 and 1999) outnumber both the ‘Baby Boomers’ (born between 1945 and 1964) and ‘Generation X’ (born between 1965 and 1979) in every area of sports participation – individual sports, racquet sports, team sports, outdoor sports, winter sports, water sports, and fitness sports. The most popular category for ‘Generation Y’ is fitness sports where 51.3 million of them are engaged in some type of fitness-oriented pursuit. Those in the ‘Generation Y’ segment of the population have the strongest ‘social’ mindset which is influencing what they do with their free time. As a result of their strong ‘social’ attitudes, the ‘Generation Y’ portion of the population is strongly gravitating toward group exercise.
“The ‘social’ mindset of ‘Generation Y’ is the reason why health club memberships are picking up and group-oriented exercise classes are gaining in popularity. ‘Generation Y’ enjoys working out and exercising with friends, whereas ‘Generation X’ has been focused more on individual pursuits,” said SGMA President/CEO Tom Cove. “For ‘Generation Y,’ it’s as much about the socialization as it is the perspiration.”
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