Four areas for you to pass on and equip others through discipleship. https://athletesinaction.org/resources/equipped/#
Four areas for you to pass on and equip others through discipleship. https://athletesinaction.org/resources/equipped/#
A short guide on investing in people. https://athletesinaction.org/workout/does-your-leadership-produce-compound-interest#
Gives resources and inspiration for all practitioners of pastoral care at all levels. Looks at patterns in postmodern culture and priorities in pastoral care. https://www.amazon.com/Care-Confused-Climate-Pastoral-Postmodern/dp/0232522812/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=care+in+a+confused+climate&qid=1575552268&s=digital-text&sr=8-1
12 week course – a practical model for understanding how God changes us from self-obsessed to God-obsessed people, and how in our relationships we can cooperate with this process. http://www.newwayministries.org/soulcare-exp-curriculum.php
Addiction sufferers will discover powerful action steps to take and introspective heart questions to ask as they seek to conquer this harmful sin issue.
Ed Welch shows us that when we are following Jesus we have “immense hope that God can give power so that we are no longer mastered by the addiction.”
How stories can be rewritten by the power of Christ
This helps you face what fuels your addiction and takes you straight to the heart of what your addiction reveals about you and your relationship with God.