Mental Health Blog
Providing World Class support in the area of mental health in Sport
Providing World Class support in the area of mental health in Sport
An excellent prayer resource for athletes/players/coaches produced by SCZA. Permission granted to adjust the document for your own organisation and to print. Love the kingdom thinking of SCZA many thanks to them.
Biblical view of Sports Psychology What does the Bible say about….?’ C.I.S. series What does the bible say about sports psychology? Christians in Sport
Depression symptoms & warning signs
Suicide warning signs
Ppt of days training on Mental Wellbeing in the context of Faith, Chaplaincy & Sports Psychology. Sports psychology, sports chaplaincy & faith. Working together for well-being & performance. Sports Chaplaincy UK
Mental health training Sports Chaplaincy UK
Age, Period, and Cohort Trends in Mood Disorder Indicators and Suicide- Related Outcomes in a Nationally Representative Dataset, 2005–2017 Journal of Abnormal Psychology American Psychological Association – Journal of Abnormal Psychology
I once read a book by Bill Hull and he said something like this, “If the church does not make disciples then the leadership is in sin.” This shocked me. After my first 18 months as a solo pastor my honest evaluation was that I had put out a number of fires, preached and taught…
In talking with ML Woodruff, Sports Ministry Director for Istrouma Sports Outreach at Istrouma Baptist Church in Baton Rouge, LA, he mentioned a new idea he implemented during spring baseball – team chaplains. Team chaplains were adults who assisted the Coaches as they served as “Spiritual Shepherds” and reached out to the players and families…