In 2008, Willow Creek Community Church in Chicago–one of the nation’s largest churches–released some internal research entitled Reveal. Reveal was the culmination of a four year research effort on the spiritual growth of Willow Creek’s congregation. Willow Creek is known for being a cutting edge “seeker church” and the study revealed that the church’s programs/ministries were integral in helping seekers and non-believers grow spiritually. However, for those more mature in Christ, the programs/ministries of the church did NOT cause the same amount of growth. On the heels of this reality, Willow Creek changed their ministry philosophy.
In the midst of the study, perhaps the most insightful truth they learned was the fact that nothing beats Bible reading when it comes to spiritual growth.
With that in mind, Willow Creek decided to find as many ways as possible to have their congregation engage with God’s word.
How are you doing in your sports ministry in providing contexts for people to engage with Bible, regardless of their spiritual maturity? Do you shy away from it? Do you emphasize other things?
If so, I would encourage you to take a look at the Reveal study and see how the truths of that research could shape and mold your ministry.