We try to close the deal too early.
You heard me. We move too fast. We’re too aggressive. We’re too impatient. We’re not willing to simply walk with people through life for long enough, befriending them, serving them, and loving them for long enough until Christ becomes attractive to them through us. Many of us have done more harm than good by being too pushy; trying to close the deal too early when it comes to seeing our friends come to know Christ or get connected to the church!
To encourage you, most of my friends that have come to know Christ through our church, have come to Christ as a result of a friendship that’s been built over years of investment!
Here’s the bright side: this means you don’t have to put so much pressure on yourself. Lighten up. Live life. Let your light shine. People are watching. More than you think. Make Christ attractive. Love people. Care for people. Bear people’s burdens. Invite disconnected people into your life. Into your home. Into your small group’s next party. In due time, you just might hear them speak up and ask one day:
“Hey, how do you stay so positive all the
“Hey, you guys seem to have such a great marriage. How do you do it?”
“Hey, you seem to stay so positive. How do you do it?”
“Hey, so tell me about your church…”
“Hey, what time are your services on Sunday?”