Great post on the Integreat Leadership Serve blog. Below are some excerpts:
The difference between High Performance teams and really good teams is the level of genuine care and concern the members demonstrate towards each other.
How do you turn this idea into action? Here are some things your team can do to cultivate community…
See how much you can learn about the members of your team – their past, their present and their dreams for the future.
Celebrate accomplishments along the way – big and small. These can be personal or professional in nature, individual or team. Just make it authentic and frequent.
Express gratitude and appreciation freely – A “thank you” goes a long way. Say it to individuals and the entire team… often!
Constantly look for ways to serve others on the team – Think others first, and show your fellow teammates by assisting them whenever you can.
Never stop looking for ways to do life together – That’s the essence of community. It’s not about me; it’s about we.
Be patient – If you stay the course and continue to make “deposits,” community will grow deeper and deeper over time. It is cumulative.
Be careful – When I tell people community is what separates good teams from great ones, some want to rush to build community. It’s important to remember, high performance teams have ALL THREE elements needed for success: Talent, Skills AND Community. If you just develop community, you may have more fun, you may even love each other, but you’ll still be a lousy team.