Last week, we held The Gathering which is our annual get-together for staff and volunteers at local churches engaged in sports ministry. Several talks were given during The Gathering and below is the audio for Tim Briggs’ talk on The Gospel as Story (21 minutes).
Here’s an outline of the talk:
I. Stories (movies, books, videos, etc) have the power to move
II. The gospel is usually not presented as a story but simply as doctrine or propositional truth: forgiveness of sins. This is true of the gospel but often it proves to be incomplete.
III. The gospel as story: Creation-Fall-Redemption-Consummation
IV. Why present the gospel as story?
A. The writers of Scripture did
B. We all long for a story that makes sense out of life.
V. Narrative is the most transformational tool there is
VI. If you understand the gospel as story, it will transform your life because it will impact every area of
your life.
Additionally, two videos were shown during the talk. The first one was played right before the talk and the second video was played a few minutes in.