It’s interesting, the posts I write regarding evangelism are often the lowest viewed posts on the blog. So, I’m hoping the title of this post has piqued your interest.
So, what is the secret to reaching people for Christ?
I know I probably just lost 80% of my readers but for you faithful 20%, I will continue. Let me first clarify what I mean by ‘secret.’ It’s a secret not because it isn’t known but because it’s not practiced. Perhaps ‘forgotten truth’ would have been a better phrase to use than ‘secret’. Methodologies, events, and technology all are more exciting when it comes to evangelism and that’s where we tend to focus on energy. But, through it all, prayer has always been the bedrock of reaching people.
Beyond the pragmatics of prayer in reaching people, we have to remember it’s Scriptural!
“I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. (1 Tim. 2:1-4)
Prayer is not magic. It doesn’t guarantee results. What it does guarantee though is that you will be changed for doing it.
If you habitually prayer for someone and their salvation, it will change you. You will pursue this person more, you will love them more, and you will rejoice in every step of faith they take. And God just may use it.
“Until the gate of hell is shut upon a man, we must not cease to pray for him. And if we see him hugging the very doorposts of damnation, we must go to the mercy seat and beseech the arm of grace to pluck him from his dangerous position. While there is life there is hope, and although the soul is almost smothered with despair, we must not despair for it, but rather arouse ourselves to awaken the Almighty arm.” (Charles Spurgeon)