By Courtney Schnee
Over a year ago now, I was given the role of the go-to person for CSO’s prayer needs. Until recently, I did not really know how that looked fleshed out apart from sending emails or posting prayer needs on the CSO Facebook Fan Page.
Before praying for The Gathering this week, I was a part of something that, for a while now, I was skeptical about – online prayer, Bible study and even church. I have seen it before in a couple of different online live Bible Studies. I have seen a church service online – and actually have a friend who is on staff at a big online church, and I have logged on and raised my hand in the “pew” to tell them I was present. I go back and forth in a “love-hate” relationship with Facebook, Twitter and blogs and am a little skeptical of the impersonality, insensitivity and lack of authenticity that online christian groups could have.
A year ago John Piper helped me make a small step in the direction of accepting Facebook and Twitter as it relates to Christianity. He says about why he began using Twitter, “In spite of all the dangers, it seems like a risk worth taking. “All things were created through Christ and for Christ” (Colossians 1:16). The world does not know it, but that is why Twitter exists and that’s why I Tweet.”
This week I was encouraged and moved in a direction toward the use of social networking in a Christian setting after praying for CSO live on Facebook. I was humbled by the prayers of those who joined us, and made very aware of my great, great need for a Savior. I also thought it was very useful to have the prayers written in front of me, as it was very good to go back through and reread the prayers. I know that any medium can be abused and used for evil, but the answers to our prayers and the ways we were changed during our time was convincing in itself that God can be glorified through any medium. And isn’t it better to pray with a group – connected only by an internet signal – than to not pray at all?
Recently I have been fed by Sinclair Ferguson at his church in Columbia, SC. He preached a message on prayer from Luke 18:1-8. The widow in the parable prayed fervently, did not get discouraged in asking for resources from the judge and she eventually was given what she needed. Ferguson said, “prayer is hard work, but why is it such hard work? Because Prayer IS the work.” Bold, focused, intercessory prayer pays off if we press on, persevere, believe our prayers will be answered and do not lose heart.
If you would like to see some of the prayers online, you can do so by clicking on the following links: Part 1 | Part 2
Also, if you would like to read more about John Piper talking about Twitter, click here.