I recently came across the below stats and I thought I would share them:
More than 65% of children say they participate in sports to be with friends
Top reasons children quit playing organized sports include: not having fun, the coach played favorites, too much emphasis is placed on competition, and frustration with not getting to play
64% of parents say their children have been dissatisfied with their sports experience
Some 41 million boys and girls play organized sports in the U.S.; 70% will quit playing by age 13.
72% of boys and girls would rather play on a losing team than sit on the bench for a winning team
71% of children say they wouldn’t care if no score were kept in their games
Only 1 in 5 athletes feel they have to win in order to enjoy their sport
14% of young athletes believe cheating is an acceptable behavior
20% of coaches have made fun of a team member with limited skills
You can read more here.